Content Marketing Services: SEO Content Creation & Promotion

Be Found by Your Audience, with Result-Driven Content Marketing Services

Content is still a king. But, for your content to work you need a plan – an effective Content Marketing Strategy.

Content Marketing Can Help You:

Become a Thought Leader – Build trust, Establish authority
Educate and engage your audience
Become a go-to source for information in your niche/industry
Gain qualified leads
Improve your brand’s visibility – Expand your reach – Attract tons of target audience
Increase conversion rates

Our Content Marketing Services In A Nutshell:



Create engaging content that provoke the interest of your audience.


Promote targeted stories where your audience hangs out.

Optimize (SEO)

Optimize your site for search engines and drive massive amounts of organic traffic.


Use the resulting data to drive insights for future content marketing efforts.

Content Marketing Services: The Process


Goal Setting

What are your content marketing goals: Traffic, leads, conversions?

Content Strategy

All businesses are not build equal. You need a custom content strategy that fits your business goals.


Market trends. Competitive research. Keyword research. Audience research

Audit & Optimization

Audit & optimize your site for speed, indexing issues, site architecture, on-page SEO, backlinks, UX signals etc.

Buyer Personas

Define your target audience and create buyer personas. Who is your ideal customer?

Ideation & Creation

Topic selection, cluster creation, and creating compelling, intent-driven SEO content.

Goal Setting

Goals: What are your content marketing goals — drive traffic, improve user engagement, lead generation, improve conversion, increase revenue etc.?

Have you set your marketing goals? If you haven’t, we can still help you determine your content marketing goals.


Once the goals are defined, the very next step is extensive market research. It includes:

• Market trends
• Competitive research
• Keyword research
• Audience research

Market research is a must. For content marketing to be effective, you need to understand the market, trends, competitors, customer demographics etc. Based on the research data, then, we’ll:

Who Are Your Target Audience?

Without knowing who we’re trying to reach, it’s impossible to know how to reach them.

We need to know them – their demographics (age, gender, income, location, education etc.), their preferences, pain points etc. Where they hangout online? What are their go-to social platform?

On the bases of market intelligence, we’ll define your target audience and create buyer personas.


Content Marketing Services: The Content Strategy

All businesses are not build equal. You need a custom content strategy.

We’ll create a content strategy that meets your audience’s needs and fulfills your business objectives.

Once we’ve created buyer personas, we focus our attention on picking the right topics based on search volume, buyer intent, difficulty relative to investment, and brand alignment.

Site Audit and Optimization

Before we create a new piece of content, it’s imperative to run a complete site audit.

We conduct a comprehensive website audit for speed, indexing issues, internal linking & site architecture, broken links, on-page SEO, zombie pages, backlinks, UX signals etc.

Content audit includes everything — keywords, blog, website content, landing pages, social media, etc.

A content audit will determine whether it can be improved/ optimized/ repurposed or we need to remove it. Now we know how much new content we’d need.

Once we fix existing issues (if any) and optimize your site for search engines, next step is to create high-value content.

Content Ideation and Creation

So far, we’ve:

• Set our content marketing goals
• Done market research – competitive research, keyword research
• Defined our target audience
• Created buyer persona(s) and
• Performed content audit

Now we have sufficient information. Based on the knowledge, we know what your audience wants.

This helps us pinpoint the most relevant topics (content ideas) for your service or product.

Once a strategy is chalked out, the next step involves the creation of content clusters.

Content Marketing Services: Content Writing

We create compelling content that will be liked by both your target audience and Google. For content types and formats please find our detailed list of content writing services here.

Content Promotion and Backlinks Building

Job is not done yet. No matter how great the content, it doesn’t work on its own. For your content to work effectively – you need to put it to work. You need to amplify the impact of every piece of content.

‘Publish and Pray’ approach doesn’t work anymore. You can’t expect your content to work without promoting it through the right channels..

In fact, 94% of all blog posts have zero external links and the majority of online content gets very few social shares. (1)

However, you don’t want to simply share your content here and there and expect great results.

You need to ‘strategically push’ your content. For that you need a content distribution plan.

Content Amplification: Get your stories shared. Go where your audience hangs out. Place compelling content in front of the Right Audience.

Let me devise an effective content distribution plan for you.

  • Be Found By Your Audience.
  • Be there where your target audience hangs out.
  • Get your content in front of them.

Tell Your Story Across Multiple Channels and Create a Cohesive Brand Conversation!

Depending on the niche/industry, product, and target audience, the content promotion plan may include following channels:

  • Owned properties, such as your website and blog
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Guest Posting & Link Building
  • Q&A Sites Such As Quora
  • Social Media
  • Online Community & Forums
  • PR & Influencer Outreach
  • Audio/Video Platforms etc.

Content Marketing Services: Performance Tracking

(Analytics Reporting, Evaluation & Re-optimization)

Finally, we’ll track and measure performance over time.

Performance tracking is an integral part of content marketing.

We’ll analyze the success of each piece of content and make adjustments to improve visibility.

The metrics we analyze includes:

  • Search engine rankings: keyword ranking positions
  • Brand awareness: website traffic, page views, backlinks
  • User engagement: site revisits, average session duration, bounce rate, blog comments
  • Social media: social comments, shares, likes, tweets
  • Lead generation: email subscriptions, form completions and downloads

Why Content Marketing?

1) Content marketing costs less: content marketing costs 62% less than other forms of marketing. (2)

2) Content marketing more effective: Content marketing generates about 3 times as many leads. Businesses that implement content marketing get 7.8x more traffic than who don’t. Companies that adopt content marketing gets nearly 6x higher conversion rates than non-adopters. (3)

By crafting valuable, relevant, compelling content stories, and distributing it on right platforms – you educate, engage and encourage your audience to act, rather than asking them to buy.

Stop losing business to your competitors…

We can help, Contact via following form:

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